Saturday, April 10, 2010

2nd Saturday Cookout & Blloon Launch

Every 2nd Saturday there's a cookout at the Club. I took Evan to this one. Trying to gradually get him introduced to the environment. Right now he says he doesn't like airplanes and won't go flying. It takes him a while to get used to new ideas. I'm confident he'll come around.

The fun activity for him was getting to ride in the golf cart. He went on a volunteer mission to carry the trash to the far end of the field to the dumpsters. I think he liked that. On the return trip though he got too close to a Cessna and one of the other board members panicked a bit and scared him a bit. Not helpful. But then the whole world doesn't know about Evan and his autism so I'll need to get them used to that too. For the record, he would've cleared the airplane.

Anyway, we had cheeseburgers and brats and such and I got Evan to walk around some airplanes on the ramp. He wouldn't go in any. But he saw them and he had some fun.

We also got to watch initial preparation for a cluster balloon launch. A guy, an office chair, and about 30 helium balloons. He had a transponder and got air traffic clearance for this launch. His chair even had an "N-Number" (aircraft registration).

UPDATE: As it turned out the balloon launch set a world record. Read all about it here.

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